Cataloging Parameters

Home Location

Click here to open the list of all available home locations.

This list is updated the 1st week of each month.

Home location represents where the item “lives” on the shelf in your library. A few home locations block circulation and holds. Otherwise, home location does not affect how an item circulates or fills holds.

Each item cataloged in WorkFlows must be assigned a home location.

Home location can be configured as limited dropdown list in Workflows. Contact the RSA Help Desk to set up or change your list.

Item Type

Click here to open the list of all available item types.

This list is updated the 1st week of each month.

Item type represents what an item is. Item types are crucial for ensuring your items circulate and fill holds according to your library’s preferences.

Item types are used to define how an item circulates and if it fills no holds, local holds, or all holds.

If a particular item should circulate or fill holds differently than other items, that item must be assigned a separate item type.

Each item cataloged in WorkFlows must be assigned an item type.

Breakouts of items for statistical purposes are provided by correctly setting the item type, item cat 1, item cat 2, and home location codes of the item so that a combination of the four properties fully describes the item.

Item category 1 indicates if the item’s content is fiction or nonfiction.

Select the equipment item cat 1 for equipment without fiction or nonfiction content.

Each item cataloged in WorkFlows must be assigned an item cat 1.

You can generate circulation statistics based on item cat 1, but this code does not affect how an item circulates or fills holds.

The item cat 1 list was revised and approved by the RSA Users Group in December 2013.

Item cat 1 is already configured as a limited dropdown list in Workflows.

Item category 2 indicates the reading, viewing, or listening level of the item’s content. Options include adult, young adult, or juvenile.

Select the equipment item cat 2 for equipment without a reading, viewing, or listening level. 

Each item cataloged in WorkFlows must be assigned an item cat 2.

You can generate circulation statistics based on item cat 2, but this code does not affect how an item circulates or fills holds.

The item cat 2 list was revised and approved by the RSA Users Group in December 2013. Item cat 2 is already configured as a limited dropdown list in Workflows.

Item cat 3 indicates the item’s general format.

Search groups are available in the RSAcat for items assigned these item cat 3 codes: AUDIOBOOK, BOOK, LARGEPRINT, MOVIE, MUSIC, and PERIODICAL.

The item cat 3 assigned to an item depends on its item type.

Each item cataloged in WorkFlows must be assigned an item cat 3.

The item cat 3 list was approved by the RSA Users Group in December 2013.

The item cat 3 WorkFlows dropdown list is configured to include all codes, whether or not your library uses them, to ease format searching in Workflows.

Item Category 4

Click here to open the list of all available item cat 4s. This list is updated as new item cat 4s are created.

Item cat 4 indicates the item’s primary genre.

Assigning item cat 4 is optional, but RSA strongly recommends using this code, especially for any new items cataloged.

If you have suggestions for new item cat 4s, contact the RSA Help Desk.

You can generate collection statistics based on item cat 4. Item cat 4 also powers the genre facet in the RSAcat.

Item cat 4 can be configured as a limited dropdown list in WorkFlows. Contact the RSA Help Desk to set up or change your list.

The item cat 4 list was approved by the RSA Users Group in December 2013.

Item Category 5

Click here to open the list of all available item cat 5s. This list is updated as new item cat 5s are created.

Item cat 5 indicates the item’s secondary sub-genre.

Assigning item cat 5 is optional.

If you have suggestions for new item cat 5s, contact the RSA Help Desk.

You can generate collection statistics based on item cat5. Item cat 5 also powers the sub-genre facet in the RSAcat.

Item cat 5 can be configured as a limited dropdown list in WorkFlows. Contact the RSA Help Desk to set up or change your list.

The item cat 5 list was approved by the RSA Users Group in December 2013.

Serial Holding Codes

Click here to open the list of all available serials holding codes.

This list is updated the 1st week of each month.

Serial holding codes are used to pre-populate cataloging values when adding serials into WorkFlows using the Serial Control module.

Serial holding codes serve as the starting point, allowing you to add new items without repetitively editing those items’ cataloging values.

Only Full Online libraries have access to the Serial Control module.

Cataloging values defined in serial holding codes include library, home location, item type, item categories, circulation and permanent statuses, and price.

Mandatory Cataloging Codes

Click here to open the list of mandatory cataloging codes.

This list is updated if there are changes in mandatory codes.

This spreadsheet lists the cataloging codes that must appear in your WorkFlows drop-down menus even if they are customized. Mandatory user profiles are also included on this spreadsheet for convenience.





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